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Global Pumpkinitry

The Pumpkin World according to J.M. Finholt

JM Finholt & the world"Boo!

"Here's some pix of the pumpkin I carved for Halloween '06.

"So far this one was the most fun, and I suspect future Pumpkin Carving Art Historians will mark this as the pivotal work where I made the first step out of my Animated Character Period (from the Shrek('02) & Homer('04) Pumpkins) and my first foray into what will likely be considered the Solar System Period or possibly the Obsessive-Compulsive Period.

"Happy Halloween!"

"PS - I drilled a hole through the stem at the North Pole for the sake of the candles, not as a subtle commentary on the state of the ozone layer."

JM's got the whole world in his hands ... can you sing it with me?

The AmericasThe Americas

The Americas

Africa & EuropeAfrica & Europe
Africa & Europe

S.E. Asia & AustraliaS.E. Asia & Australia

Southeast Asia & Australia

The Cradle of CivilizationThe Cradle of Civilization

The Cradle of Civilization

The North PoleThe North Pole

The North Pole

Africa - Southern HemispherePacific Ocean

Asia North America

Keep going, there's so much to see!